Earn credentials in scholastic journalism
Showcase your proficiency in journalistic skills to teachers, employers and colleges. Earn badges to display in portfolios and on social media.
Credentials for in-demand journalistic skills
Our assessments are built by scholastic and collegiate journalism educators and reviewed by industry professionals. Earn badges in topics including:

Law & Ethics

News Writing

Backed by the world’s largest nonprofit organization for journalism education
SJCP is an initiative of the Journalism Education Association, which has been leading the way in scholastic journalism education since 1924.

How it works
After signing up with our learning management system, you will be given the option to enroll in any of our credentialing courses. Each enrollment costs $15 and can be paid via credit card or PayPal.
Each module consists of three assessments, which can be completed in any order:
- A 40-question multiple choice/fill-in-the-blank quiz. The quiz must be completed in 20 minutes once it has begun.
- A set of essay and short-answer prompts. This assessment must be completed in 40 minutes.
- Submission of a link to an online portfolio to showcase your strengths in the subject area. Your portfolio should be created as a publicly accessible webpage.
The quiz is graded automatically and students are allowed unlimited attempts to reach a passing score of 80%, although a brief cooldown period is required between attempts.
The essay, short-answer and portfolio portions of the assessment are manually graded by journalism educators within five days of submission. Should a student not receive a passing score, they will be allowed a single resubmission for each manually graded portion.
Students who successfully complete all three portions of the assessment are automatically issued an SJCP badge for the subject area they can post on resumes, portfolios or social media profiles. Students who fail the assessment and have exhausted their resubmissions must unenroll and re-enroll in the course in order to attempt the credential again.
When registering for an account, students are provided the option to have their credentials and personal identifying information automatically shared with our collegiate partners’ admissions offices for recruiting purposes. The college admissions section of the user registration is optional, and SJCP shares only the identifying information from the registration form and the badges earned. Itemized scores and failed attempts are not shared with our collegiate partners.